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A glimpse into joint pain and Arthritis and 5 simple ways to rise above it.

December 3, 2023

Every year 15 million Indians are being affected by Osteoarthritis. With the prevalence ranging from 22% to 39%, it is becoming more and more common. It, therefore is important to educate oneself about joint pain and Arthritis to be aware of the consequences and know how to avoid them..

In simple words, Arthritis is inflammation in the joints. It can, however affect other organs like eyes or skin. Although it is most common among people over 65, it can even affect those in their teens. In addition, more women than men are affected by this disease. It can also affect people who are overweight.

The joint pain and stiffness caused by it usually worsen with age. This is caused because of distortion of cartilage.

Cartilage is nothing but a tissue covering the ends of the bones where they form a joint. It allows smooth joint movement. When this cartilage breaks down, it causes the bones to rub against each other, which causes joint pain.

There are over 100 types of arthritis.

Here are the most common ones-

● Osteoarthritis (OA)- The most common type of arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that occurs most commonly among older people. It is a result of wear and tear and affects joints that are more overworked than others.
Although, it can affect younger people as well. It is majorly related to joint pain due to ageing or injury.

● Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)- It is a type of autoimmune arthritis. When a person’s immune system attacks itself, it results in stiffness in the joints and issues relating to mobility.

● Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis- It is a type of Rheumatoid Arthritis that affects children.

● Infectious Arthritis- Also called septic Arthritis, this type spreads from another part of the body to the joint. It occurs when the joint or the fluid around the joint is affected by infection-causing germs from another part of the body.

● Psoriatic Arthritis- It affects people with psoriasis- a condition that features red patches of skin topped with silvery scales. Most people develop this disease after they are diagnosed with psoriasis. In some instances, it can happen the other way around.

● Gout- It usually severely affects a single joint. It is caused by the deposition of uric acid in the joint. It often starts in the big toe.

Do all multivitamins and health supplements benefit the same?

Nearly all women around the globe can be seen advocating for the benefits of nutrition supplements, however not all health or nutrition supplements can be equally efficient for all women.

As much number of vitamins and minerals are available on earth, equally are the types of deficiencies women of your age might be facing, however, the symptoms can vary wide. We won’t be astonished if you may even quote the range of women’s health supplements exceeding the number of vitamins and minerals that exist. Doesn’t this sound crazy?

Yes, it may seem like a crazy number due to the unlimited types, forms and varieties of multivitamins or health supplements available in the market.

But the big question that will always matter to you is – how to ascertain that it is the best multivitamin or the best health and nutrition supplement for women like you?

Not all multivitamins and health or nutrition supplements for women contain the exact number of vitamins, minerals or nutrients your body may need. And quite often even if your multivitamin health supplement may claim to be containing every essential vitamin and mineral or a complete list of nutrients, still their proportion may vary.

The diverse and dynamic role that women like you have to play in your daily life, often calls for more detailed attention to your body and health, and requires maintaining your fitness level at an all-time high. To cope up with the ever-expanding life, and ever-growing responsibilities and age, every woman like you feels the need for a perfectly healthy body and mind. And this is certainly no sin!

After all, you’re born special, with your special body functioning and your special body requirements make you the woman you are. You’re not just a professional, not just a wife, not just a mother, but you are so much more than you do or deliver every day.

So why compromise with something that’s quite less and inadequate for you and your body and health? Why settle for multivitamins or health and nutrition supplements that do not meet the special needs of your body? Why go for something that is just not sufficient for your body’s requirements? Why compromise with something that’s just not the best health supplement or not a complete nutrition for you?

Indeed, it just takes only one right health supplement to cover all your nutritional deficiencies in the right proportion and give you the desired results. It takes only one best health supplement curated especially for the woman in you, keeping all your sensitive body types and special body needs in place.

Every woman is distinct and unique in her shape, size and form, yet each one of you is similar when it comes to your nutritional requirements. But it takes only one right and best health supplement that makes it for a complete dose of nutrition that your body really needs. One of the best health supplements for women that can make you live life extra every day.

Such is the design of nature. Indeed marvelous! Isn’t it?

What is the solution? How do you live extra?

Have you ever tried Xtraday Women? Specifically curated for women juggling with the multiple demands of the modern-day fast-paced lifestyle, Xtraday Women is the best multivitamin for women as it comes with over 40 plus vital nutrients to support the overall health and wellness of women. Xtraday Women is recognized as the best health supplement especially customized for women like you. It contains a unique blend of over 40 plus essential vitamins, rare nutrients, minerals and antioxidants required for your complete modern-day nutrition. Backed with the intelligence of science, Xtraday Women is a scientifically formulated, clinically researched and 100% vegan supplement, that helps enhance your complete nutrition, energy, vitality, immunity, digestion and bone health and boost your skin health. Trusted by experts, Xtraday Women is the safest health supplement and a complete multivitamin for women with enough proven results and 100% clean ingredients.

So if you are a woman who’s struggling with numerous deficiencies, if you’re a woman who’s finding it hard to restore your health, if you’re a woman who’s pressed with time and is always on the move and doesn’t have enough time to do multiple remedies to fill up your nutritional gaps, if you’re the one who’s tired searching for that one right fit or one best health supplement that can meet all your body requirements and is a complete solution for all your nutritional requirements, then Xtraday Women is just for you.